Start the New Year Off Right—With WineHive
Start the New Year Off Right—With WineHive

Welcome to 2023! A new year brings new opportunities, like upgrading your wine storage system. Toss out the case boxes that your wine has been sitting in and opt for WineHive, the convergence of art, design, nature, and care for your wine collection. Why WineHive? Let us explain…
Your taste evolves—so does WineHive. As a wine enjoyer, you know that some

days a crisp Riesling sounds better than an oaked Chardonnay, and sometimes vice versa. Our innovative interlocking modular cells were designed to grow with your collection. Keep your cellar stocked with wines that fit your mood, and as your taste broadens, WineHive is ready to expand. Start with our 5-cell kit and add on to it as you continue to collect; maybe it’ll grow to a wall-filing design with our 20-cell and newly added 50-cell kit!
Keep the cork wet—WineHive is the perfect resting place. Whether you’re just getting into wine or a seasoned enthusiast,

we know that keeping the wine in contact with the cork is the best way to ensure smooth aging. The honeycomb-shaped system allows your bottles to rest comfortably on their sides to keep the cork wet.
Don’t cook your wine unless the recipe calls for it—keep cool with WineHive. If you’ve experienced a wine tasting, you’ve likely heard the term “cellar temperature.” If you’re still scratching your head to figure out what that is, let us help! The ideal temperature for storing wine is 55-57 degrees; minimal temperature fluctuation is necessary for aging and general enjoyment. WineHive helps protect your bottles from the elements as long as you follow general guidelines for storing wine: keep your wine in a cool, not overly exposed to the sun part of your home (a room with no external walls, i.e., a coat closet or if you’re putting your Hive on display, a countertop with little to no sunlight).
Start your year by treating your wine the way it deserves to be treated (until you’re ready to enjoy it, of course), and start your Hive today! Enjoy 15% off your entire order with our extended “Between the Years” Sale! Use code BYE2022 at checkout but don’t wait—this sale ends on Tuesday, January 3rd, at 11:59 pm PST. From all of us at WineHive, we wish you a very happy and prosperous new year! Cheers!