Spring Cleaning
Warmer temperatures, longer days, and more sunshine cast light on what we’ve accumulated during the darker days, aka winter… Spring cleaning is upon us. While thoroughly cleaning your floors, cabinets, and dusting—don’t forget your wine collection! And you know that WineHive is the perfect solution to modernize and simplify your wine spring cleaning efforts.
Cleaning means less clutter, and what tends to be the first place that holds all of the clutter? The floor! It’s the most accessible location to set, forget, and move on about your day. With WineHive, you have different ways to lift your spirits (and wines) off of the floor and either into a tabletop storage unit or a beautiful wall-mounted installation. Empty those case boxes that have been taking away from your square footage or clogging up your coat closet.
When it comes to deciding how you want to utilize your new WineHive modular storage system, take into consideration that the system is not only designed to grow with your collection, it’s the convergence of art, nature, and design, making it the best way to display your prized collection. Freshen up your home decor with an art installation-style wine storage system!
Let’s not forget the beneficiaries of your purchase—the bees! Springtime also means flowers and the busy bees getting to work. We’re proud of our dedication to the bee-saving efforts of Paul Stamets’ Host Defense, the Washington State University’s Pollinator Project.
While we welcome a new season, we invite you to welcome a new piece of art and innovative wine storage into your home with WineHive! With the ability to display your collection while prioritizing optimal storage for aging, WineHive is your ideal solution. Visit our website and grow your Hive today!